The 2025 Merch Shop Is UP... at last!
And as always, free shipping!

What I love most about writing songs is that they're the soundtrack of my life. Each one of us is living a grand, epic story of love, loss, joy and sorrow, and songs are the way some of us try to make sense of it all. They're moments of pause where yours truly, as the main character in my own epic tale, reflects on what has just occurred and tries to find a tiny sliver of light and meaning, which then goes on display in a (hopefully) catchy tune.
In my happy songs, there's always a tinge of melancholy, and in my sad songs, there is always a glimmer of hope. It's striking that delicate balance of poignancy that makes it all such a thrilling ride. Welcome to my story!
My new song and YouTube video
for Monster...
"Monster" is Released!
The Holy Roller Arrives!
I've no idea how this character happened...AT ALL.
You can view the YouTube layout HERE.
Scroll vertical bar on right to view more videos.
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It really helps.